How Homeowners Can Keep Their Air Conditioners Running at Peak Energy Efficiency

Posted on: 20 July 2017


As the number of Australian homeowners installing air conditioners (ACs) in their homes continues to rise, the traditional notion that air conditioning is a luxury service is quickly waning into obscurity. With summer temperatures becoming harsher and harsher with each passing year, many homeowners now place a premium on air conditioning.  

If you are planning to install an AC unit in your home to brace for the hot, sweaty months, you'll need to ensure your space conditioning equipment runs energy efficiently. The more energy efficiently your unit runs, the more you will have to pay for the bliss to stay in a comfortable indoor space. Therefore, you can save big money by ensuring your AC system runs with the least wastage of energy possible. 

Here's what should be done to keep residential AC equipment running at optimal energy efficiency. 

Proper maintenance

Many homeowners usually disregard the need to regular maintain their ACs because they consider the responsibility to be too onerous. Yet, regular maintenance is the single most important requirement that need to be met in order to keep air conditioning equipment running at peak energy efficiency. Regular maintenance helps identify and rectify air conditioner problems before they can lead to serious energy inefficiencies. 

Clogged air filters, for example, will impede proper airflow within the system, thus causing the unit to run harder than it is designed to. This, in turn, culminates in wastage of precious energy, which translates in higher monthly energy bills. Dirty coils (condenser and evaporator coils) can also cause your AC unit to run at lower than maximum energy efficiency. Regular maintenance checks through a residential air conditioning service will help keep these coils clean and working properly. 

Timely repairs

Regardless of how properly a residential AC unit is maintained, it will eventually start to act up at some point and waste energy. When this happens, homeowners should be quick to call in a qualified HVAC technician to action. Conducting immediate repairs helps to reduce the extent and severity of AC issues that tend to if left unattended over time, but also helps get the equipment running at peak energy performance again. 

When your residential AC equipment gets too old, it may start to constantly run energy efficiently and also call for frequent repair attention. That would be a sure-fire indication it's best to replace the appliance. A certified residential HVAC technician can help you select a new product that will best suit your needs and that of your home.